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Happy Tails Dachshunds
Sinister The Minister
Of Madness (BCat, CZ8PltG & RATCHX5)

Black & Tan Dapple Pie
Carries: Chocolate & Long Hair
Sinister is our sweet Baby boy, He is definitely our lover out of the bunch! He loves to play with the puppies & take care of everyone. He enjoys a great game of chase whenever he can get someone to play along with him & He is such a huge momma's boy. Until it comes down to hunting, then he is all business. His favorite game is crazy 8's & it really shows his baby shark side when he enters the ring.

Tank (Ratn)
Red Dapple
Carries: Pie & Long Hair
Tank is the most protective of everyone in the group. He watches over his mom like a hawk. He often knows a MS relapse is on the way before we do. Tank prefers hunting in the real world, Tracking rabbits & deer is what he really enjoys. He has been known to find a few antler sheds on our adventures in the woods. When he isn't hunting or digging up moles with Sinister, he can be found playing ball. Neither man nor beast can keep up with him & his chunk it ball.

Cream Dapple (Genetically A Black & Cream Dapple)
Carries: Carries For Everything
Fynn is a very laid back guy. Need someone to snuggle with & watch a movie? This is your guy! He loves to lay in our lap & have his hair brushed. He hates cold weather, if the weather is nice he enjoys hiking, playing chase, & sloshing through the mud puddles. Otherwise you will find him in someones lap enjoying all the snuggles he can get.

Isabella & Cream
Carries: Carries For Everything
Happy Is our clown of the group. He is a good mix between playful & cuddly. He loves stealing toys & instigating a game of chase. He looks so very happy as he runs with his ears flopping. he is very fast, it's hard for anyone to keep up with him. you have to be sneaky to steal toys around here, & he is the champ! he also enjoys a good cuddle session too. he can often be found snuggling with jingle in our bed.
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